A Therapist’s Thanksgiving Tribute

Ah, Thanksgiving—a time for turkey, pumpkin pie, and giving thanks. As a therapist, I want to take a moment to express my deepest, most heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of my clients. After all, where would I be without the daily dose of anxiety, stress, perfectionism, people pleasing, marital discord, and the ever changing presentation of OCD? I can’t even count the reasons to raise my imaginary glass to you all.
You may not realize this, but each of you has shaped me in some way. I like to think that we all found each other for a reason (but not in a corny way…in a maybe you saw one of my weird social media posts and laughed kinda way), and I’m so committed to helping you find your way to an improved quality of life.
To my Anxious Moms:
You’re killing it. Who else can accomplish the impossible task of being in 3 places at the same time? Your organization and attention to detail keep your family on point. Are you underappreciated? Without a doubt. I see all that you do, and I appreciate you as you are hustling in that minivan! We’ll continue to talk about ways to manage all the things and not take them as personally.
To my Sad Dads:
Gosh you are SO misunderstood! You’re trying to support your family and keep up with the never ending financial demands of being a parent and a homeowner. This requires long hours. When you do finally get home, family members are mad at you for coming home late or missing events. You can’t win. Plus, you feel like you don’t know what the hell you’re supposed to say or when to say it, and it ends in an argument anyway. I hear your pain. I see it on your face, and I’m going to continue teaching you more effective ways to communicate. I’m also going to teach you that you don’t have to jump in and fix everyone’s issues…sometimes you REALLY just need to listen and validate. I can easily teach you this.
To my Moms with Babies:
Yes, it’s okay to have really weird thoughts from time to time. Yes it’s okay to have a healthy baby and still not feel happy. Yes it’s okay to have the partner of the year, and feel lost and lonely. There are so many things on your plate right now, and it can be really challenging getting through the day with a baby. I see you, and we’ll work through it.
To my Fertility Fighters:
You are in it. You’re tired, you’re lonely, you feel like you did something wrong. It can be hard to get along with others because no one gets it. There are countless baby announcements on social media, and you want your turn. I really want you to have your turn, too. I do. I’ll be here to process all of the procedures, medications, mood shifts, and heartaches. I know it feels like this defines you, but we’re going to keep working on that. You’re trying your best, and any kid would be damn lucky to have you in their corner.
To my Moms with all the Guilt:
How do we really ever know if we’re enough? I know I don’t have the answer to that question! The truth is that you CAN work outside the home AND be a great mom. You just have to give yourself permission to believe that. The fact that you’re so worried about being a bad mom, tells me that your kids are really friggin lucky to have you. Guilt applies when you have done something bad….last I checked, providing for your family isn’t bad. You’re doing the best you can, and I’ll be here to process the shift from guilt to shame.
To my Top Executives:
Yeah, the reality is that you have to schedule your fun. Your mind is racing most of the time thinking about how you can do better. Let’s be honest, you’re trying to figure out how to be the best. You’re slammed most of the time with work, and constantly checking your phone. I am going to remind you that in most circumstances, you’re not on call. And, I promise you that the email will still be there in 5 minutes. We’ll keep finding that balance in life, and I’m going to challenge you.
To my Retirees:
Honestly, just thank you for being unapologetically you. The simple fact that you and I talk is everything! People from your generation typically don’t ask for help. I admire your vulnerability, and you will get me choked up regularly. I look up to your work ethic, and I value the passion you have in your convictions. I wish we would get more of your friends in therapy because you have invaluable wisdom. I cherish our sessions, and I have no qualms that you would rather not put a credit card on file (don’t tell the others). You do you!
To my Millennials:
Talk about a bad rap! Maybe you want to work, maybe you don’t. I enjoy our chats about living a values-aligned life that some of your family may not agree with. You’re not afraid to speak up for what you want, and I admire that courage. I’ll be here to help you maintain a healthy balance of wants and needs to keep you moving forward. Plus, you are phenomenal at helping me understand social media.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to express my genuine gratitude to all my clients. Your willingness to share your emotional journeys, no matter how complex or messy, is what makes my job so rewarding. So here’s to you, my therapy advocates, for making every session a unique adventure filled with laughter, tears, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. Cheers to growth, change, and the wonderful chaos of the human experience. Best wishes!
P.S. I cannot wait to hear about all of the Thanksgiving drama!