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  • Patricia (Trish) Kapusta, LCPC, PMH-C

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    Patricia (Trish) Kapusta, LCPC, PMH-C, Supervisor

    Every day, as a mom, you pour your heart and soul into the beautiful chaos of motherhood. It’s a journey filled with immeasurable love, but it’s also one riddled with sleepless nights, overwhelming responsibilities, and the constant battle to balance it all. 

    And, if you’re anything like the rest of us, chances are you compare yourself to others who seem to have it all figured out. The weight of expectations, the relentless juggling act, and the isolation that often accompanies motherhood can take a toll on your emotional well-being. 

    Being raised locally, I’m very familiar with how demanding parenting, school, work, and societal expectations can be. Understanding these demands as well as different familial roles affords me the opportunity to connect quickly with teens and adults who feel like they are struggling to keep up.

    Hey there! I’m Trish and I support moms (and dads) who are feeling lost in the shuffle of trying to manage the stressors of parenting. Why, you ask? Well, first and foremost, I’m a proud mom of two amazing kids. And just like you, I know the ups and downs of parenthood. There are those days where you doubt every single decision you make, and you consistently feel like you’re falling short. Whether you’re a stay at home mom who feels like there are never enough hours in the day to get all the things done, or you’re a working mom who is carrying the weight of the never ending mom guilt, I can help you find clarity. Once we sort this stuff out, you’ll realize that there really is no added value in being so hard on yourself.

    A few years ago, I had the unfortunate reality of dealing with a sick child. While we’re all aware that it’s possible to have a child with medical concerns, it’s not until it’s YOUR child that you really feel the depth of that love and responsibility. Luckily, I’ve come out of that challenging time with a newfound perspective on resilience and empathy, which makes it really easy for me to quickly connect with moms and dads.

    My therapy focus encompasses a wide range of mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and mood disorders. These are areas where I’ve honed my skills and experience over the years, helping numerous individuals regain control of their lives and find a path towards emotional well-being. With an extensive background in crisis situations, I’ve learned how to stay cool under pressure, and if I’m being really honest, nothing really shocks me anymore. So, when you’re in a session with me, you can expect a calm and supportive presence to help you sort this stuff out. With the ability to stay calm under pressure combined with my inherent patience, I’ve been able to connect easily with high performing, anxious teens as well.

    I’m also incredibly passionate about perinatal mental health. This is such an underserved population of both men and women, that I’m so blessed to have found. I’ve invested extensive time and effort in specialized training to provide the highest level of care for moms during this transformative period. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum journey can be an incredibly vulnerable and turbulent time, and it’s okay to need additional support during these transitions.

    While my passion lies in assisting mothers through the distinct challenges they encounter, I’m also experienced in working with male clients who may be grappling with trauma or mental health issues. I recognize that societal norms can sometimes make it tough for men to express their emotions openly. Nevertheless, you can trust that I offer a solution-focused environment where you can talk about what’s going on and learn tangible skills to help you day-to-day.

    Family is everything to me, and I get the importance of maintaining that elusive work-life balance. I’ll help you set those boundaries and find harmony in your everyday life. As a working mom, I’ve had to make some tough decisions, but I’ve also learned how to make every day count. When I’m not working, I’m loving on my family (which includes my dog of course), exercising, spending time outside, and I’m not one to turn down pizza. 🙂

    That’s my story. Let’s catch up so we can get started on yours.