Losing a Pet :(

To the person who has lost a pet,
Your pain is real, and deep, and VALID. I know because I have felt that pain before. Whether your pet was furry, scaley, feathery, or leathery, they were a member of your family and their absence is profound. They were there for you in a way most people couldn’t even live up to. Pets are integrated into our daily routines and it can be hard to realize just how present they are until they’re gone.
The way they stood guard while you showered as if to save you from the evil rain machine. The comfort they’d provide after a tough day. That enthusiastic greeting they’d give you every time you returned home…acting as if they hadn’t seen you in years even if it had only been minutes. That feeling of complete absolute unconditional love. Our pets don’t care what kind of car we drive, how much money we make, the kind of clothing we wear, or even what we look like. They just love us for loving them. When they’re gone, you might even find yourself missing the things they did that you used to find annoying. Like how they’d wake you up for breakfast at 4am, just so they could go back to sleep once their bellies were full. Or how they’d follow you around as if you were attached by a very short, invisible rope (Ever heard of personal space, Buster!) How about the way they always know how to create a mess or make weird noises at the most inconvenient times?!
People without (and maybe even some with) pets might not understand your grief. You may hear things like, “So when are you going to replace them?” or, “It was just a cat/dog/bird/lizard!” Lean on the people in your life who are able to meet you with respect and kindness. The people who are open to sharing memories of your pet through storytelling, sharing pictures, and watching videos. Or even the people who understand that sharing memories feels too painful so they allow space for you to sit with your feelings without pressure to talk about it.
In any grieving process, it’s so important to treat yourself with grace, compassion, and patience. Things are going to look different moving forward. You might need to take some time off work or cancel plans as you move through all the emotions that come along with grief. Know that this is normal and you don’t need permission to grieve. There is a poem called ‘The Rainbow Bridge’, which has brought comfort to many while mourning their loss. I encourage you to check it out if you haven’t already…just have some tissues nearby.