Take Control of your Winter Worries ~ By Meghan Jones

Aaa-aaa-achoo! Germs are flying, noses are running, and coughs are echoing down every hallway.
Are you cringing yet?
Cold and flu season is here, and it can be an uncomfortable time to say the least. For many, this time of year brings more than just sniffles—it stirs up anxiety, too.
The dreary weather of wintertime can steal our energy and motivation. Let’s face it, none of us want to go on a run outside when our favorite blanket and newest book are calling our name. Not to mention that wrangling kids into their winter gear is a marathon in itself. Add in the fear of getting sick, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and out of control.
When we feel powerless, anxiety thrives. That little worry bug in our brain grows louder, spinning us on a carousel of “What Ifs” and worst-case scenarios:
● What if I get sick and can’t give my big presentation?
● What if I have to take time off work and everyone thinks I’m unreliable? ● What if I feel so poorly that I can’t be present for my kids?
If your brain loves to taunt you with the “What Ifs,” you are not alone! So what can we do to manage the worries that winter brings?
1. Focus on What You Can Control
Feeling overwhelmed by winter worries is natural, but we don’t have to let them take over. Focusing on what’s within our control can help us feel empowered and more at ease.
Your brain might be asking, Okay, but what even is in my control?
This first thing is easy, and you are probably (hopefully) already doing it: Practice good hygiene! Hand washing, hand sanitizing, and covering coughs are easy ways to fight back
against that worry bug. The worry bug asks, “What if you get sick?” And we respond with, “I can’t control that. But I am doing everything in my power to remain healthy.”
Be prepared! Winter is called “Cold and Flu Season” for a reason — sickness happens! Keeping a “Wellness Kit” is a great way to feel prepared in the case that you do start to feel less than 100%. Having tissues, a thermometer, and basic medicine within reach can help alleviate those “What Ifs.”
In moments when you might feel powerless, think of ways that you can take control; I bet you probably have more power than you realize.
2. Stay Connected
You are not alone. Expressing your feelings is not always easy, but sharing your worries with someone you trust can provide the opportunity to feel supported, reflect on your thoughts, and gain some perspective.
When we keep our anxieties to ourselves, our minds can make “winter worry flurries” feel like winter worry hailstorms. Our support systems can help us step outside of those overwhelming thoughts and re-center ourselves in the present moment.
3. Get Moving and Take Care of Your Body
Even a short walk, stretching session, or moment for meditation can boost our moods and minimize those feelings of anxiety. Oftentimes, things as simple as eating balanced meals, drinking enough water, and giving our bodies that much-needed sleep can keep both our minds and immune systems strong.
Take control of your winter worries!
By focusing on what you can control, you gain the power to navigate this time with confidence. And if the worry bug gets too loud, reach out to your support system, whether it’s a trusted friend or a mental health professional.
Winter is long, but with intention, confidence, and support, you can manage that anxiety and focus on the things that truly matter. You’ve got this!